If You Improve Your Diet will Your Mental Health Improve?

This question is the one answered by researchers in Australia and the simple reply is “Yes it will”. What is fascinating about this latest research is the fact that they have conclusively proved with a random study that a certain type of diet is helpful to reduce severe depression.
Remember that this doesn’t mean that a bad diet CAUSES depression. What it means is that a Prescriptive Diet can be helpful as a treatment tool in reducing depression and even preventing it from happening in the first place. Here is what they suggest.
Sweets, refined foods, fried food, fast food, processed meats and sugary drinks and more than 2 drinks of alcohol per day were linked to poor mental health outcomes.
In their research study the group that ate the following reduced their depression significantly when compared to a control group that had “befriending” or social support instead of dietary changes. The treatment group were supported to eat 12 key food groups including whole grains, vegetables, fruit, legumes, low-fat and unsweetened dairy foods, raw and unsalted nuts, fish, lean red meats, chicken, eggs and olive oil.
Registered Dietitians counseled and supported the treatment group to maintain the treatment diet.
The scientists suggest that improper diet in pregnancy can lead to increased risk of mental health challenges of children.
The authors conclude that while more research is needed, this current finding supports clinicians working in mental health to encourage dietary improvements in their patients.
If you want to read the details the entire article may be found here https://bmcmedicine.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12916-017-0791-y
I am pleased to report that our practice www.drsvec.com has completed an exciting Re-Branding to reflect the multi-disciplinary nature of our work. We now have professionals in neurology, family medicine, neuroscience, psychotherapy, kinesiology, registered dietary and psychology working in the practice. Soon other professionals will be added. Our new practice name is Ondrovcik Svec Rehabilitation Clinics and the new site can be found here www.osrclinics.com Dan and Malini Ondrovcik, myself and our entire team look forward to continuing to build on our services to create an outstanding Rehabilitation experience for all of our clients.